Educogym brings a Bit-o'-the-Irish to Denver, Denver Examiner
Fashioning a New Form of Fitness, Donnyale Ambrosine
Studies say the average American -- yes, that's you and me -- gains seven pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year. And, the most popular New Year's resolution? Loosing weight.
I don't know about you, but we're obviously well into the New Year and any resolution of mine that even had a glimpse of being fulfilled is long gone. With all the office goodies, fabulous parties and reverie, how do we battle the lurking bulge?
Yes, yes, we know -- working out and watching what we eat enhances fitness and helps maintain healthful weight, but often that's easier said than done.Every year it seems there's an ocean of new diet, exercise, or diet and exercise plans that claim to provide your "best body ever!"
How does one navigate all the choices, or discover which plan is best? One thing's for sure, experts agree that a sensible plan that includes diet and exercise as a lifestyle often brings long term results rather than quick fixes that may lead to disappointment.
Enter educo-gym, one of the newest systems in the weight loss revolution, boasting to be the fastest way humanly possible to get in shape. The name sounds more like a Japanese concept than from Ireland, where the concept was fashioned by fitness guru Tony Quinn.
Mary Ann Malone is owner and trainer for Educogym in Denver. She's hoping to modernize how we view fitness.
"It's not just training," said Malone. "It's an awareness of how we eat, nutrition. It's focus on going back to a natural, low-glycemic diet, keeping the hormones in balance, keeping the insulin steady."
The program includes nutrition counseling, exercise, food supplements, and thrice weekly 15- to 20-minute weight training as the core workout. The training is so intense, you actually get your full cardio and weight training simultaneously.
According to this concept, low calorie diets and aerobics actually make you fat. The system is designed to increase muscle mass, burn calories, increase energy and reverse affects of aging.
"The beauty about this to me -- the exciting part is the whole lifestyle," quipped Malone.
"People have more success at work, phenomenal energy- the big thing is the energy," she exclaimed, emphasizing that maintaining a healthy, fit body makes for a clearer and more fit mind.
"It affects everybody around you -- it's very much a mental thing as well -- contributing to somebody's well being," she said. "And it's all done three times a week, twenty minutes a session it will get you in the best shape of your life."