"The Apprentice" (a new film about Donald Trump) is produced by Julianne Forde who is the daughter of lifelong EDUCO Cult recruiters
Watch BBC Leicester's Pam Sidhu parrot EDUCO Cult-leader "Dr" Tony Quinn
EDUCO Cult promoter Pam Sidhu is back on BBC Local Radio covering for Shruti Chauhan. To celebrate this watch Sidhu parrot her guru "Dr" Tony Quinn. (original)
Listen to the new "Red Room Investigates Cults" episode on EDUCO and "Dr" Tony Quinn
Listen on Apple Podcasts
Listen to more podcasts on the EDUCO Cult here.
One Night In Millstreet is released on Apple TV and YouTube in UK & Ireland
Catch a sneak peak! Buy or Rent on iTunes. Buy or Rent on YouTube.
Is The Coronation Street Cult EDUCO?
"One Night In Millstreet", a "Cult" Movie: The Reviews Are In! What do the other critics think?
Read's review of One Night In Millstreet
The TV section has 4 broadcast-televison documentaries about "Dr" Tony Quinn, the EDUCO Cult and his followers AND the newly unearthed EDUCO promotional-video from 2002 reported on by the Sunday Times, Sunday World & BBC.
See the Press section for over 140 Published press articles on "Dr" Tony Quinn and the EDUCO messianic Cult.
See the Articles section for quirky write-ups of the EDUCO Cult's nonsense.
You can use the Search page to search across multiple websites that contain information about the EDUCO Cult.