"The Apprentice" (a new film about Donald Trump) is produced by Julianne Forde who is the daughter of lifelong EDUCO Cult recruiters
The new film "The Apprentice", about Donald Trump, has finally received its U.S. release date of October 11.
The trailer for the film features 3 rules that will be familiar to anyone who has been abused by any cult
- Attack, Attack, Attack
- Admit nothing, deny everything
- No matter what happens, you claim victory and never admit defeat
But did you know the producer Julianne Forde comes from a family with close links to "Dr" Tony Quinn's EDUCO Cult?
Who are the Forde family?
Margaret and Martin Forde head the family, and are known to be long-time followers of EDUCO Cult-leader "Dr" Tony Quinn; first reported as followers 50-years ago in the Sunday Independent:
Martin Forde and Margaret Forde have even been co-directors with EDUCO Cult-leader "Dr" Tony Quinn
Margaret is even a team-member of an EDUCO Cult front-group The British Mindfulness Academy that has recruited in Manchester as recently as 2019, defrauding vulnerable UK women with the promise of Enlightenment from "Dr" Tony Quinn.
Martin was investigated by medical authorities in 1985.
Both Martin and Margaret have close links with UK EDUCO Cult recruiters.
Also in the Forde family are Danny, Kevin and producer of "The Apprentice" Julianne.
Julianne has attended the EDUCO Cult seminar, as seen in this 2004 testimony on an EDUCO Cult website:
Danny Forde can be found moderating the Zoom calls for Martin's annual "EDUCO-Health" talk where he actively silences anyone discussing the Sexual abuse by EDUCO Cult-leader "Dr" Tony Quinn.
Kevin Forde can be found as an EDUCO-gym trainer:
Margaret, Martin and Kevin were photographed in 2012 at a meeting captured by the BBC in their 2012 Cult-documentary "Belize Oil".
Interesting that Julianne has chosen to produce a film about a man some are calling a Malignant Narcissist.
There was another Malignant Narcissist closer to home!
There is a LOT more to this story. Watch this space!