"Life Guru In Sights At Demo", News Of The World
PROTESTERS will mount a picket today at the RDS as a seminar hosted by controversial lifestyle guru Tony Quinn takes place.
Members of Dialogue Ireland, a group that gathers information on cults, are hoping to highlight complaints made by former participants at the meetings. Mike Garde, the group's director, claims it has dealt with more than 300 people who were dissatisfied with their experience of Quinn's various activities.
Participants at the controversial self-help Educo seminars pay up to £18,000 for training in a system of positive thinking.
Setback Today's protest is the latest setback to hit Dubliner Quinn, 57, who sprang to prominence in 1995 during a spell as mind trainer to Steve Collins when he took Chris Eubank's world super middleweight title.
It emerged yesterday that ***** *****, of Tramore, Co Waterford, is suing Quinn for alleged assault and fraudulent misrepresentation.
The High Court heard on Friday that a summons officer had been unable to serve Quinn due to high walls at his Martello Tower home in Malahide, Dublin.
Mr Justice Patrick Mc-Carthy granted leave to Ms ***** to post her civil damages claim by post instead.
The name of a survivor of abuse by Quinn removed out of respect for their privacy.