EDUCO® – Discover "Dr" Tony Quinn

A messianic Cult with a 50-year history of Sexual & Financial abuse, and Human-Trafficking practices

An important announcement. See Dialogue Ireland for more details.

"Tony Is Sued For ‘Sex Assault", Sunday World

Disciple takes case against ‘Messiah’, by Nicola Tallant.

Sunday World Headline

Image and identity of the Survivor and Victor removed out of respect for her privacy. This lady is incredible in what she did and has more courage and potential than any Quinn follower ever had

MUCKY ‘Messiah’ Tony Quinn is being sued for alleged sexual assault, battery and fraudulent misrepresentation by this former follower.

Mum M**** L**** spent more than 25 years in Quinn’s Educo cult but left two years ago.

In an interview with the Sunday World last year, she described how she had ‘healing’ sex sessions with Quinn while she believed that he was Jesus Christ.

She admitted to recruiting hundreds of devotees across Ireland and selling them pricey €18,500 and €63,500 seminars in the sun with Quinn.

She detailed how she followed him religiously until she realised he was more obsessed with his growing bank balance than spiritual matters.

“I devoted my life to Tony Quinn. Like others, I genuinely believed that he was the Messiah and was going to lead us to spiritual freedom. I bought into it hook, line and sinker,” she told the Sunday World.

“I sold his seminars to hundreds of people because I really believed they were life changing. I re-mortgaged my own home to attend them. But now I can see the truth from the lies.

Quinn isn’t interested in anything but money and power and he has destroyed countless lives on his way.”


Now L**** is taking a High Court civil action which is the first of its kind against the controversial ‘mind guru’.

This week, L****’s lawyers were granted leave to post her civil damages claim to Quinn’s Martello Tower home where he is currently staying with girlfriend Eve and secretary Mary Power.

Barrister David Conlan Smyth told Justice Patrick McCarthy that Quinn is in Dublin this weekend to address a seminar at the RDS.

He said that summons server Brian Comiskey had been unable to serve a plenary summons on him or any of his agents because of high walls and gates around his Malahide home.

Judge McCarthy was given a copy of Ms L****’s summons, in which she claims damages for sexual assault and for allegedly procuring sexual relations with her against her will.

The detailed claim also alleges assault and battery, obtaining money by false pretences, fraudulent misrepresentation, intentional or careless infliction of mental suffering and suborning Ms L**** by undue influence.

L**** who lives in , Co. W*********, with husband P** and their children, first met Quinn in 1982 when she attended his yoga classes in Dublin.

She said that Quinn strongly promoted the belief that he was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and one of his closest followers was Moses.


She told the Sunday World that the first of three bizarre sexual encounters took place in 1992.

“I don’t remember everything about it but I was extremely upset afterwards. I spoke to some of his closest associates and one, in particular, told me it was about ‘breaking down my personality and connecting with my spirit’.”

In total M**** herself attended six seminars – two of which were the more costly €63,500 seminars while husband P** did three and one upper level costing them a six-figure sum.

In a series of exposes, the Sunday World has revealed how Quinn has amassed a personal fortune in excess of €50 million. He is based on Paradise Island in the Bahamas and is a tax exile with accounts in Jersey. He is planning to host a seminar in the Bahamas at the end of January.

Sunday World story

The name and identity of the Survivor of Tony Quinn's cultic abuse has been removed out of respect for her privacy.

Article sourced from Dialogue Ireland

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