EDUCO® – Discover "Dr" Tony Quinn

A messianic Cult with a 50-year history of Sexual & Financial abuse, and Human-Trafficking practices

An important announcement. See Dialogue Ireland for more details.

The EDUCO Cult's bad netizenship!

The EDUCO Cult, led by reincarnated-Jesus "Dr" Tony Quinn has a rather interesting history with the Internet from a web-hosting perspective.

EDUCO and "Dr" Tony Quinn have been compared with the NXIVM Cult and Keith Raniere by Frank Parlato who helped expose NXIVM in the New York Times in 2017

Reincarnated-Jesus "Dr" Tony Quinn

Dialogue Ireland, a charitable trust with a prolific history of diligently documenting the activities of Cults in Ireland, hosting vital discussion-forums for survivors of such groups, arranging exit-counselling for victims and holding public-protests against recruitment-events for such Cults, was the victim of a Distributed Denial Of Service (DDOS) attack in December 2008 and January 2009.

The Protest against Quinn’s Educo Easy Way seminar Sunday 16, September 2012 at the Helix on the grounds of Dublin City University.

As noted by the Clerical Whispers website on 22 January 2009:

The website of a cult watchdog, Dialogue Ireland, has been the subject of a cyber-attack according to its director, Mike Garde.

Mr Garde said the website was a target because it contained information that was critical of new religious movements in Ireland.

It had reportedly been hit on two separate occasions by malicious software which generates 2,000 hits per second, causing the host server to crash.

In the past month, website posts had focused on the activities of mind trainer Tony Quinn who runs costly Educo seminars.

Last Sunday, Mr Garde organised a protest outside a seminar venue to higlight stories of alleged, ''financial loss, family break up, abuse of power, and the misuse of hypnosis to brainwash and to subvert the mind of people who are unsuspecting''.

Tony Quinn's seminars on mind technology, which cost about €18,000, were thrown into the spotlight last week as a number of former participants critical of their content spoke to RTÉs radio's Liveline programme.

One caller, Robert Henshaw from Northern Ireland said he got ''nothing'' from the seminars having been ''programmed'' to want to attend them.

Mike Garde is clearly a well liked and respected man in Ireland as can be seen from the responses in this thread.

Garde features in this TV appearance on Ireland's famous Late Late Show in 1995 on the subject of Scientology. Garde is verbally attacked by OSA's Peter Mansell.

Mike Garde featured on RTÉ's Liveline and discussed the DDoS attacks with Joe Duffy in 2009:

January 2009 was a busy time for media stories about scandals within Tony Quinn's EDUCO Cult. Quinn was in Ireland to address his followers, as reported by the Sunday World. This was followed by an exposé which reported on the madness and indoctrination Quinn inflicts on those who attend his insane Seminars,

Quinn had personally complained there was a media-campaign against his clear insanity and madness. As reported in the Irish Independent on Sunday January 18 2009:

Mr Quinn said he was shocked by a series of four programmes on RTE’s Liveline programme where he and his companies and supporters came in for attack over the amount of money he charges people for his seminars and also alluding that his organisation was a “cult”.

“I visit Ireland twice a year in December and July to give seminars — and I should say these are free seminars for our members — and I must say I found this shocking.

“It’s a witch-hunt. It has upset an awful lot of good people and it could do damage to people’s reputations and livelihoods.

“What I charge is really in the same ballpark as other people at the top of this league, people like Anthony Robbins (the high-profile figure in motivational teaching in the United States). I do most of my seminar work in the Bahamas and Monte Carlo now. I help people achieve goals in their life and work continuously with people.”

An initial seminar course costs around €16,000 and a further one-to-one seminar followed up by further personal tuition is over €60,000.

“These are highly-specialised seminars for people determined to obtain the ultimate results. In total I conduct 10 seminars a year. My main work is in the business arena. I work with start-up businesses to achieve success. This involves designing a business structure and training the owners and staff.”

Asked about whether or not the programme was imbalanced against Tony Quinn, Joe Duffy replied: “I don’t say who calls in. We did what we did and people can judge.” He declined to make any further comment.

The Liveline programmes can be listened to here:

Quinn clearly rattled and under-pressure from all corners of the media, who were reporting openly on his nonsense claims and accounts from survivors of his nasty pernicious Cult.

The DDoS attack took offline a vital public service for the people of Ireland losing masses of content warning the people of Ireland of the dangers of Tony Quinn's Messianic Cult that famously broke up family and saw followers spiral into debt and losing their focus in life.

The DDoS attacks were described in 2012 by someone who helped to restore alternative services:

Back in 2009 the Dialogue Ireland website was DDOS’d into dust. DDOS mitigation costs are extremely expensive, so an alternative solution was needed. So, in December of that year, I set up this blog which, due to being based on the platform, is practically DDOS-proof.

The ability for users to leave comments comes with the package and it was felt that this ability would be useful tool.

I have been reliably informed these DDoS attacks involved Scientology who wrote to Quinn about shared concerns with Dialogue Ireland. It is said that a barrister, who was caught lying in the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court to the advantage of Quinn, was involved in making this happen.

This is not a far-fetched notion as was confirmed by John Duignan, author of Scientology exposé The Complex, at a 2012 conference in Dublin about Scientology

In 2023 it was revealed that members of the EDUCO Cult were providing information to another Cult, Lighthouse International Group, regarding a critic they both wished silenced.

In January 2009 a delegation attempted to meet with Tony Quinn after a number of threats were claimed to have been made against those working for an Irish charity in the service of protecting it's citizens from nefarious crackpot Cult leaders. As reported in September 2009:

Towards the end of 2008, the director of [Dialogue Ireland] was approached by several ex-Educo members who had recently separated from Quinn and were being subjected to severe harassment by Tony Quinn’s organisation.

There were many starting to question the Educo system and Quinn’s behaviour and many others who had recently left the group and who were extremely unhappy and disturbed by the treatment and threats they were receiving. This trend has continued to the present.

[Dialogue Ireland] was told of what amounted to serious verbal threats made by Quinn towards the director of [Dialogue Ireland]. These threats were made in the presence of Educoists who later left Quinn and reported these disturbing threats.

The [Dialogue Ireland] website was brought down in late December by a massive sustained attack on the server it used. In an attempt once again to bring Quinn into public dialogue and debate a [Dialogue Ireland] delegation visited Hick’s Tower in January 2009 but Quinn could not be contacted.

The delegation deliver a letter at Quinn's Irish residence Hicks Tower, Coast Road, Malahide

More recently EDUCO search-results have benefited by concealing legitimately critical articles with private-blog-networks spamming Google with empty pages. Additionally a misconfigured Cloudflare domain and compromised WordPress site pushed articles critical of Quinn onto the second-page.

Work to clean these bad search results now ensures that anyone searching "Dr Tony Quinn" is now informed of the true cultic nature of EDUCO and it's recruiters.

The EducoWorld Cult recruitment website does not mention the Financial & Sexual abuse reported by ex-members

A new EducoWorld Cult recruitment website launched in September 2021, hosted by German company Hetzner Online GmbH on a dedicated server [] also hosting EDUCO Health websites and

The website was staged on a Modus web-server.

Modus claims to be:

Modus is an award-winning boutique website design & development company set up in July 2002 by Eamon Donovan and David Henry.

When queried about their involvement with the EDUCO messianic Cult, a Cult with a 50-year history of Sexual and Financial abuse, the website on Modus' staging-server mysteriously disappeared!

The EducoWorld Cult recruitment website alludes to being able to assist with mental-health issues, despite the Cult having a 50-year history of Sexual and Financial abuse. The Cult is documented as harassing and intimidating it's critics. A number of recruiters have documented undiagnosed disorders prior to joining the Cult and rising in it's ranks.

EducoWorld's latest site has dropped the aspirational nonsense and is blatantly targetting vulnerable women for it's recruiters to groom
The EducoHealth website makes some BOLD claims!

The UK telephone number of it's previous hosting company, Future Business of Ireland, reports it has been seized for "Suspected misuse or fraud" and recommends calling the Police.

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