EDUCO® – Discover "Dr" Tony Quinn

A messianic Cult with a 50-year history of Sexual & Financial abuse, and Human-Trafficking practices

An important announcement. See Dialogue Ireland for more details.

Today an officer for the Met Police told me EDUCO is "a company" and dismissed any concerns it was a cult.

Today an officer for the London Met Police called me and as part of the conversation he was quite adamant that EDUCO was just a company.

So I thought I'll pull something together to explain why I think that just visiting the website wasn't their best attempt at establishing what EDUCO is.

In 2012 the BBC broadcast "Belize Oil" and in the opening-segment said some people call EDUCO's leader "Dr" Tony Quinn a "Saviour" whilst others call him a "Cult-leader" (Full documentary)

In the most-recent 3 articles by Sunday World on EDUCO and "Dr" Tony Quinn the word Cult is used:

From "Look who's back Quinn town", Sunday World, June 15, 2014
From "Tony's €2M Spy Fund", Sunday World, September 23, 2012
From "Oil's Not Well On Planet Tony", Sunday World, July 22, 2012

The Sunday World reported on the EDUCO Seminar in 2009 and told that in a tape from the Seminar obtained by the paper Quinn stated he could "programme" children; the newspaper likened this to the techniques of the Third-Reich and Hamas:

"HEAD CASES REVEALED Inside ‘Messiah’ Quinn’s €80k sessions,", Sunday World, 18 January, 2009

In a 2012 Irish High Court Judgement it was stated by the Judge the concerns over EDUCO's leader "Dr" Tony Quinn and his Cult:

Judge Hogan's ruling on Cornec -v- Morrice & Ors

Judge Hogan indicated the complexities of a case involving "Dr" Tony Quinn:

Judge Hogans remarks on the beliefs of "Dr" Tony Quinn

The judgement was heralded by the Sunday World; one of their Journalists was now not required to attend depositions in a Colorado court to divulge her sources for her stories about the Sexual and Financial abuses in the EDUCO Cult:

The Irish Times has reported on "Dr" Tony Quinn also, using the word Cult:

Irish Times report on a protest outside of an EDUCO Seminar event

The Irish Times reported from the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court in 2012 where Tony Quinn was reminded he had been accused of being a Cult Leader for many years.

From "Tony Quinn in court row over oil firm millions", Irish Times, 22 June 2012
Irish Times report about Quinn's Cult activity in a business that Quinn was subsequently removed from by the Court

The Sunday Times even reported on the EDUCO Cult in 2006 after it exposed EDUCO's attempts to shift focus to the UK and to specifically target UK children with it's form of Hypnotherapy (based on "Dr" Tony Quinn's Yoga which he was instructed on by voices in his head he has had since he was a child) in 2005:

From "Sue Denham", a pseudonym used by Sunday Times Ireland writers

The Daily Record have issued a warning from a Cult Watchdog about EDUCO:

Front page of Daily Record August 28, 2006

The Irish Independent, who were first to report on the belief Quinn was the messiah in 1974, also reported on Quinn's followers belief he is the reincarnation of Jesus and followers kiss his feet in 2012:

"Tony Quinn: his young lover Eve, his massive fortune and the prayers for cash", Irish Independent, 7 July 2012

An employee of an associated company even called it a Cult!

Review of XJet, Denver

And an employee of EducoGym!

Review of an EducoGym

The Cult Education Institute even have a page about EDUCO!

The Cult Education Institute's EDUCO page where it is categorised as a Therapy Cult and a Human Potential Cult

In 2021 Frank Parlato published an article comparing EDUCO and "Dr" Tony Quinn with NXIVM and Keith Raniere. (Parlato's evidence was collated and taken by Catherine Oxenberg to the FBI in the hope of a federal investigation into NXIVM. Later the Southern District of New York's District Attorney's office finally opened an investigation into NXIVM and Keith Raniere.)

The Frank Report's 21 June 2021 article comparing "Dr" Tony Quinn and EDUCO with Keith Raniere and NXIVM

Followers of Quinn have been known to give unreliable evidence in favour of their guru. It's been claimed members are coached to lie to the authorities and commit perjury. One follower was even caught out in a Supreme Court and had to change their evidence. She was a Barrister who had been a follower of Tony Quinn's for decades.

Report on an EDUCO Cult member who lied under oath that she was a member

In a document submitted to a court last year by an EDUCO member, they claimed that an ex-police officer was a member of their London EDUCO Cult group. It also referred to those who speak out about the Sexual Assaults within the EDUCO Cult as "Kiss n' tell". This document was signed by a male and a female lifelong-members of the EDUCO Cult. Children of the male member had been sent to the Cult indoctrination seminar.

An EDUCO Cult member was spoken about in the UK Parliament's House of Lords in 2014 along with the phrase "Chill Free Speech" in relation to harassment, intimidation and threats made against journalists who produced the 2012 BBC Documentary on the EDUCO Cult (that features at the beginning of this article):

In 2001 an attendee of the EDUCO Seminar spoke how she was coerced by Yvonne Sherry, Martin and Margaret Forde (all lifelong members of the Cult) to attend a Seminar in Egypt in 1995 as a cure for her anxiety and that Quinn would be her "Saviour". On finding the Seminar to be full of gullible people and nonsense-material she was removed and placed in an Egyptian facility without her family informed of her location:

Famed director Jim Sheridan (twice nominated for an Oscar for Best Director) revealed how Quinn opened up to him and told him that he believed he was Jesus Christ:

"Christ Almighty - It's Tony Quinn", Sunday Independent Magazine, 24 October 2004

In 2001 Ireland's TV3's 20/20 programme even included claims made by Quinn in 1994 about wanting to start a Cult (Full documentary):

In 2004 an ex-member from London spoke out on the FactNet Cult message-board that EDUCO was a Cult and was doxxed and intimidated by London members they had known and now they were revealing her identity and humiliating her like devoted cult-members.

They revealed they had required the assistance of mental-health services after leaving this malignant Cult. Presumably if they had approached their local Met Police they would have been told "EDUCO is a company".

Is this normal for a Police Officer to tell you something that is pretty much sewn-up to be a cult, er, isn't?

There are nearly 150 published Press articles on EDUCO available here. Many use the word "Cult" or describe a Cult. One of the earliest articles stating it was a Cult was in 1974:

Front-page: "Yoga Cult Broke Up Her Home", Sunday World, Feb 24, 1974

EDUCO has been found to be recruiting in recent years in University of Derby, Colorado University Denver and Regis University. A provost of Galen University was even found promoting the EDUCO Seminar in a Facebook video.

It's known the leader of the EDUCO Cult prefers young women. Not all women are to his liking and he will focus on spirituality with those he has no interest in. Those he is sexually-interested in will receive one-on-one attention, with recruiters telling new attendees that this is worth £100K for 1 hour of this attention.

Ex-members have written about how over the 12-day remote overseas seminar women are at risk of sexual exploitation having submitted themselves to a "scientifically-proven" process which is anything-but. Recruiters and long-term members will often repeat the false-claims of the Seminar as many are in debt to their cult-leader.

Attendees to the EDUCO Seminar endure long days where they are videoed as they reveal on camera shameful events and practice hypnotherapy on each other. These videos are stored by EDUCO.

Seminar attendees are trained in "Dr" Tony Quinn's form of Yoga where attendees are led through shared-psychosis exercises by hypnotist "Dr" Tony Quinn:

I should add other constabularies in the UK have not taken this tone. This is the second time I have heard an officer of the London Met Police refer to EDUCO in this way; 3 weeks ago another officer said EDUCO "was all about wellness".

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